Coming to Thailand and want to experience ladyboys for the first time? Read these articles to prepare you for the fantasy of a lifetime with the third sex.
The following is a Guest Post from Kal, the Ladyboy Guru of Thailand Ladyboy lovers believe, that anyone who has ever been to Thailand will know, the sexiest women in the country a...
Having sex with a Thai ladyboy for the first time is likely to fill you with a mix of nervousness and excitement. For most heterosexual males it can be a rather anxious occasion. I...
Click here to see part 1 of this article Following up is Part 2 of our guide to common Ladyboys scams, we want to draw to your attention to perhaps the most common and sometimes le...
Simply put, Thailand is the land of Ladyboys. If you are a dedicated Ladyboy or transsexual lover, nowhere else will you meet so many Ladyboys in so many different cities. From the...
One thing that many new ladyboy lovers soon discover is how great sex with a ladyboy can be. Most lady lovers who have never been with a ladyboy will no-doubt argue that nothing be...
Sexual health and the risk of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) is a concern to many new and experienced ladyboy lovers. The truth is, for heterosexual males who start to have s...