Last week I received this email:
Hi, I really don’t like big spider in my room, is it common to see big spider in apartments in Thailand? it’s the only problem that makes me not travel to Thailand.
Although spiders don’t really bother me, I do have some friends who are deathly afraid of spiders to the extent that they will run out of their house and refuse to enter again until they have proof that the spider is gone. So arachnophobia is nothing new to me.
Advice about Spiders in Thailand:
1- This will be less of an issue in larger cities like Bangkok than it will be in places like Chiang Mai and Koh Samui.
2- Personally, in over three year, I’ve only seen 3 large spiders in my apartments. All three were not poisonous and easy to trap and kill.
3- I tend to stay in “nicer” and more expensive places than the typical backpacker tourist will. Which means, “nicer” places in Thailand have a lower rate of insect and critter problems.
Anyways, not much to be said on this topic. Is it possible that you may encounter a spider or two while being in Thailand? Yes.
But is that possibility really enough to keep you from visiting Thailand???
Only you can answer that question, however I would hope the answer is no.
Posted on Gods of Thailand May 14, 2013 in Thailand, Tips & Advice
Can you please give some hotel recommendations for Phuket and Bangkok? Where you stay for example.
For Phuket, you want to stay as close to Bangla Road as possible.
For Bangkok, my two favorite hotels are Dream Hotel and Aloft Hotel.
Love the blog. Your advice is spot on and really saved me a lot of hassle and money when I was in Thailand. But, wow, you must really be hurting for content to post this. I would like to see a post about how someone could minimize their risk of being taken to the cleaners if they decide to see a ping pong show in Thailand.
Not really hurting for content. But this is a question we’ve been receiving at least once a week. So decided to address it publicly.
More entertaining content is on the way!
Speaking of entertaining content, do a blog on how thai women feel about ass hair
Can’t say I’ve heard much about how they feel about ass hair one way or another.