This is not an uncommon question. You spend your holiday in Thailand, you fuck the hottest girl of your life, and you are treated like a king…
So you start to lay the ground work for “importing” your Thai Girlfriend to America, England, Australian, Canada, etc…
Below is advice given to me from MANY men throughout the years who have been screwed over by bringing a Thai girl to live with them in their western country.
First thing you should know, Thai women LOVE their country. And as a whole, they want a man who will live in Thailand with them. (This isn’t like the Philippines or Eastern Europe where the women are begging to move to the United States.)
If fact, as many of my friends have found out, after a few months of living in USA or Europe, Thai women get very bored and want to move back to their country.
(Note, this doesn’t mean you can’t find a Thai woman who wants to live in America, but this is a vast majority of what you’ll find.)
But this greatly changes if you meet a Thai woman who is currently living in America. Then it is the exact opposite. Many Thai women who are already in America “living with family” or “going to school” will often be looking for a husband so that she will stay in the United States.
I have many examples of this experience, but the one that sticks out was when earlier this year I was in California visiting friends. Out of the blue, I get a message on Line from a girl that I haven’t seen in over a year. Lost story short, I find out she is in L.A. living and working (which really means working on finding a husband.)
An hour later she picked me up from my hotel, we go out to a bar, talk, and I take her home. And the clinginess was probably the strongest I ever felt from a Thai woman. Talk of marriage and all that shit happened in the morning.
She was on the hunt for an American visa and was trying everything she could to get her green card before being sent back to Thailand.
This is not an unusual experience. For some reason, if you take a girl to USA, she will get bored and want to return to Thailand. Or she will try to upgrade from you by finding someone who is richer or better looking.
If you meet a Thai girl who is currently in USA, she will most likely want to stay and not want to move back to Thailand.
Not quite sure why this is, maybe it’s just different experiences where they experience life in USA as single vs being in a long term relationship.
Whatever the reason is, be very careful when moving your Thai girl to your country if she has never lived in a western country before. Because she will most likely get super bored and want to return to Thailand.
She won’t give you any respect for all the time and money you spent to “import her”. She will only care about returning to her warm country where she can eat Som Tum all day.
You have been warned 🙂
Posted on Gods of Thailand August 3, 2014 in Thai Girls, Tips & Advice